Monday 2 January 2012

Day 2

LilyRose215: I should love myself even more you know?
LilyRose215: I mean
LilyRose215: I tried so hard to be loved, to make myself prettier, so people would notice me
LilyRose215: but I shouldn't do that
DarrenArr73: Yes, you shouldn't do that
DarrenArr73: What I mean is..
DarrenArr73: You must feel beautiful because you feel that you are, not because somebody says so
LilyRose215: Yeah, I just realized that. Thanks to no-good TV shows, I'm starting to like myself even more
DarrenArr73: lol
LilyRose215: How's Norway?
DarrenArr73: Cold
LilyRose215: hahaha guess that as much. I miss you, you know.
DarrenArr73: lol, miss you too :)
LilyRose215: How's Lorraine?
DarrenArr73: Lo is good. Sleeping rn.
LilyRose215: How's the baby?
DarrenArr73: Sleeping too, I guess. Lo hasn't sleep well since she's pregnant
LilyRose215: My friend is going to be a father :''')
DarrenArr73: :-)
DarrenArr73: How about you, Miss Nobody-Will-Ever-Love-Me?
LilyRose215: hahaha IDK
DarrenArr73: What about that Starbucks guy who asked you on a date? Wasn't he decent?
DarrenArr73: By decent I mean dateable
LilyRose215: IDK, D
LilyRose215: He's nice, I guess, but too... plain, you know?
LilyRose215: Of course I want to be with someone nice, but he's not for me
DarrenArr73: How do you know he's not for you? He could be your soul mate
LilyRose215: I'm independent, D
LilyRose215: He doesn't need a woman like me
LilyRose215: He can only bring me down, D
LilyRose215: I know I will eventually settle down with someone and have kids, like Lo with you
LilyRose215: But... I still have my own dreams and I won't give it up just to be with him
LilyRose215: To put it simply, my dreams worth more than him
LilyRose215: I still haven't found that person who will make me feel loved and worth more than my dreams
LilyRose215: I know you'd prolly say that he PERHAPS worth more than my dreams, people are, but
LilyRose215: Going on a date with him means I will force myself to go to another ones with him
LilyRose215: Eventually we'll start to settle down and get married because I got no option left
LilyRose215: He's the kind of guy that needs a woman who stays at home from the beginning of the marriage. You know I can't do that, I'll drive myself mad
LilyRose215: I still want to have my own job and be able to feed myself
DarrenArr73: I know, dear, trust me I do
DarrenArr73: But give the poor guy a chance
LilyRose215: I gave him some
LilyRose215: Have I told you before? I went out with him?
LilyRose215: We went on a date
LilyRose215: Sure it was fun and cute and all, but the conversation was... null, nothing
LilyRose215: We didn't have anything in common. Not at all.
DarrenArr73: You don't have to have something in common with him
DarrenArr73: Opposite attracts, remember?
LilyRose215: Yes, I know, but it's not opposite anymore
LilyRose215: Our lifestyle doesn't even match
LilyRose215: I don't want to adjust myself to him, to his lifestyle, I honestly don't
LilyRose215: I'm a 21st century woman, D. I have my own needs, wants, dreams and hopes
LilyRose215: I don't want to throw it all around just because of one guy that I prolly won't love
LilyRose215: He's nice, I know. I can fall in love with him. But it's not high school anymore, D
LilyRose215: I want to be in a more serious relationship, where people understand each other
LilyRose215: Not because of lust and some short-lived attraction
DarrenArr73: Can you love him?
LilyRose215: Honestly? No
DarrenArr73: How can you be sure?
LilyRose215: Trust me, I know
DarrenArr73: How can you know
LilyRose215: Because... I think I'm a rebound
LilyRose215: And... you can call me picky all you want, but it's my first relationship ever
LilyRose215: I want to do it right. To be with someone I love completely and loves me back more than anything he ever loved before
LilyRose215: I don't want it because I'm desperate or because people expect me to
LilyRose215: I want it to last
LilyRose215: I want it to be serious, I want him to take me seriously, to take this relationship seriously
LilyRose215: We have different lifestyle
LilyRose215: His father may own Starbucks in this country, but his lifestyle does not speak like he owns the world
LilyRose215: Do you get it?
DarrenArr73: I know. I know. Fine, I won't argue
LilyRose215: I'm tired of waiting, you know?
LilyRose215: I want to have my first date, my shy kisses on the forehead, my sheepish smiles
LilyRose215: My first boyfriend better be goddamn worth it
LilyRose215: I've been waiting for too fucking long
LilyRose215: He has to be a guy with patient for I am right now, waiting for him
DarrenArr73: What if he's waiting for you too?
DarrenArr73: Waiting for you longer than you've been waiting for him
LilyRose215: OMG! I've never thought it that way before
LilyRose215: You are right
LilyRose215: My smart smart friend :''')
DarrenArr73: ;-)
DarrenArr73: lol I have to sleep now, my pregger wife is calling me and Snickers lol
LilyRose215: :-)

I suppose what my best friend said are all true. I should wait. Patiently. Good night sweet world.

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